Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bangkok, Airports, and Bureaucracy

Hello all!

First off, I have arrived safely and registered with EAP in Delhi. It was a long set of travles but was uneventful and fairly easy. I almost don't feel jet lagged at all! Thank goodness...

As some of you may know, I went to Bangkok first. I had a 12 hour layover in Bangkok and was able to see my host family. It was wonderful. HOm, who now works for the Turkish embassy, was able to meet me at the gate because of her special clearance. It was really early (6AM) when I got in so many things in Bangkok weren't open. We ended up just going to Chulanakong University in downtown Bankok. We visited Home, he is studying dentistry there, and just talked. It was so wonderful just to see mmy host family members! With Home, I was able to talk a lot of Thai. He said that my Thai was still good. It was fun joking wiht hime about everything, from soccer to musoc that we listen to. He had to go to class so Hom and I went to Silom area and just walked around and talked. Soon enough, MKorny (Mae) and Na Nan came to Bangkok and we went to lunch., It was also really good to see them. We just went around and talked and hung out. it was like old times. I will write about this visit more when I get a chance but now I am on a limited schedule. I went to the airport and flew to Delhi.

I got to Delhi at night and was exhausted. I took a taxi to the YWCA near Caughnot Place. It was kind of an adventure to get there because I needed to get a taxi there and they were all very aggresive in trying to get me to go to places where if I went they would get a commission. Soon enough though, I convinced thewm that I didn't want to do this and they took me straight there. When I woke up the next day, all the other EAP students had to go to the immigration office and register. This was INSANE. People were everywhere and it seemed like despite being there, nothing ever happened and the line never moved. We ended up staying there from 9:30AM to 4:30PM until many of us got all that we needed to.

Unfortunately, I need to wrap this blog up but I will write more when I have some more ample time. I hope this gives a little bit of information. Sorry it is so short and uninformative!

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