Thursday, June 21, 2007

Rickshaws in Old Delhi


The very name conjures up images of a little three wheeled vehicle darting through traffic and honking horns. Even the name of the vehicle, "rickshaw," seems sketchy at best. And this picture of rickshaws is not far from the truth...

Yesterday we went to the Red Fort in Old Delhi. Old Delhi is known for its winding and chaotic back alleys and never ending supplies of any material good you could ever possible want. It is one GIANT bazaar. The Red Fort is on the outskirts of it hoverer. We visited the Red Fort and saw the beautiful Mughal architecture. It really is a master piece. I can't wait to see more Mughal architecture like the Taj Mahal and Humayan's Tomb here in Delhi.

But the real fun began after we left the fort. We got rickshaw to take us back to the hostel. The driver took us by the quickest route which, of course, was through Old Delhi. I think the best possible way to describe it would be like a Disneyland ride like Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. You dart in and out of traffic. Horns are blazing all around you. You speed straight towards a bus and just as it seems like you are about to hit it, the driver brakes maybe two feet form the bus. Driving lanes are not even a suggestion, they don't exist. People dart across the street but the drivers do not slow down. We came maybe three feet from hitting someone who was frantically crossing the street. Sometimes buses will try and turn into your lane and you will be in that lane. You have to either brake rapidly or speed up before the buss comes into your lane and 'pushes' you into the center divider (or the oncoming traffic). To say the least, it is crazy.

But I loved it. Akash, one of the EAP students I was with, said that I had this huge grin the entire time as I was on the rickshaw. It was amazing to take it all in... and besides it was like riding a roller coaster. So fun!

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