Monday, October 22, 2007

Weekends in Delhi

This past weekend I did nothing in Delhi. That is right, nothing. One might ask, "Why are you writing about the fact that you did nothing in Delhi?" Because it was glorious. After the whirlwind tour of the south of India it was a needed change of pace to do nothing.

Actually, there were few things that went on but it pales in comparison of the pace set by the South India trip. There were two birthdays, Julie and Becca, both roommates of mine. Both times we just went out to dinner but both dinners were fabulous. The first night I had one of the better meals I have ever had (duck stuffed with bacon, garlic, and rosemary and some great vegetables). But other than that the weekend was quite relaxing.

But after this weekend, the relaxing is done. I only have six weekends left in India before i leave for Thailand for another two weeks. I want to travel to Udaipur/Mt. Abu and Amritsar Dharmasala before I leave and I still need to write all my papers and take all my tests. Nonetheless, it is wonderful to have a weekend like this one once in a while.

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